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New Piney Grove offers many opportunities and avenues for members to serve.
Our church is blessed to have a strong Christian Education ministry. We place a strong emphasis on the value of Christian Education. Each teacher in Christian Education spends time preparing the lesson by reviewing it before class and seeking wisdom from God in prayer. The lessons are structured such that new and veteran Christians alike will get something out of the lesson.
Provide opportunities for Disciples of Christ to grow in their understanding of the word of God while equipping them to bear much fruit by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Christian Education (Discipleship Training) is a nurturing experience in which we all will grow and develop our spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. It is our intent to build positive character traits, spiritual strength, and healthy relationships. First things first, back to the basics through Sunday morning and Wednesday night Faith Development Classes.
...I believe that if I had to define one core value that was at the heart of our church it would be teaching. I believe we love because the Bible teaches us to love. I preach because the Bible commands me to teach. We are unified because the Bible teaches unity. We believe in tithing because the Bible teaches us to give. We endeavor to live holy because (you guessed it), the Bible teaches us to live holy. I see teaching as the heart and soul of everything we do at the ''Grove'', from the songs the choir sings to the service our ushers/hospitality ministry renders for our visitors. It is more than something we do; it is who we are. – Pastor Dave
Sunday Faith Development - Sunday Bible Training is in session every Sunday at 8:30am. Our classes are divided by age groups, so there is something for the entire family. Each Sunday School class uses the same lesson, and the lesson is geared towards the age group.
Wednesday Faith Development - Bible Study is held every Wednesday Night at 7pm. Before Bible Study, we have praise and worship and prayer at 6:30pm to prepare our hearts for the Word. Our Bible Study classes are divided by age groups, and some age groups are divided by gender as well to fully minister to the particular student groups.
The Evangelism/Outreach Ministry at New Piney Grove Baptist Church is committed to doing GOD’s will as stated in Matthew 28:18-20, what we call the Great Commission.
We do this by Evangelizing in Church and to the public (through our Door To Door Ministry) and to the incarcerated (through our Men's and Women's Prison Ministry) and to the poor/needy (through our Storehouse/Food Bank Ministry) preaching and teaching the Gospel Of Jesus Christ.PURPOSE:
The Hospitality Ministry should be comprised of committed members who are friendly and who are concerned and sensitive to the needs of others. The Hospitality Ministry's goal of New Piney Grove Baptist Church is to be ambassadors for Christ to ensure that all those whom God send to join us for Sunday worship are welcomed. We realize that hospitality is a spiritual discipline that starts by welcoming God into our lives and ministry. We must first learn to welcome God in our worship and thus are able to be receptive to others and extend our welcome to the glory of God. The Hospitality Ministry understands that a smile and a warm hello are vital ingredients to ensure that both visitors and membership feel comfortable and accepted.
To bring glory and honor to God by creating an atmosphere of love wherein first-time visitors, guests and members of New Piney Grove Church will feel comfortable and accepted in the fellowship; by providing a warm spirit of Christian friendliness to all attendees so that each person will feel genuine Christian affection; and by doing whatever is necessary to enhance the worship experience for first-time visitors and guests. Our goal is to demonstrate God's love in the beauty of holiness and to let all those who attend know that they are welcomed, not only to New Piney Grove, but also to God's House.
1 Peter 4:9 (KJV)
Use hospitality one to another without grudging.
1 Peter 5:14 (KJV)
Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Romans 12:9-13 (KJV)
9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. 10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; 11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; 12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; 13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.PURPOSE:
To win, build, and grow men in their relationship with JESUS CHRIST-
Praying regularly in hopes of fostering new relationships as men of GOD and brothers in CHRIST
Speaking to critical issues and challenges which men encounter in their personal and family life
Committing ourselves to be humble servants so that others will see our good works and glorify our FATHER in heaven
You are cordially invited to be a part of New Piney Grove’s (NPG) Senior Adult Ministry, “Faith Over Fifty.” Meetings are scheduled the second Thursdays of each month at 11:00 AM.
The purpose of the Faith Over Fifty Ministry is to offer wholesome Christian fellowship, increase participation in church activities, enhance and encourage spiritual, moral, and physical growth for our seniors with order, excellence, excitement and honor.
The mission of Faith Over Fifty Ministry is to provide the opportunity for members 55 years and older to be involved in service, support the church, and remain active servants of God. We will promote Christian growth through increased participation in church activities, allowing seniors to stay active servants of God.
There will be activities and planned trips throughout the year for FOF fellowshipping, serving, and enjoyment. So, come join us!!!
To support God’s ministry by lovingly ministering spiritually and physically to those members who have been confined to a hospital stay and to provide necessary assistance in the home upon the member''s dismissal from the hospital.
To reach out to those incapacitated for whatever reason and give them refreshed hope in Christ. This Women’s Ministry reaches out to the sick (physically or spiritually) as well as to the hungry and lost in an effort to show love, concern and compassion. Our primary concern is for the church family of New Piney Grove but often God leads us beyond that “family wall.”
Romans 12:10-13 (KJV)
10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; 11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; 12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; 13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.PURPOSE
The New Piney Grove Baptist Church Youth Ministry exists to introduce youth to Christ, help them to build a personal relationship with Him, and equip them to endure in a hostile world by fostering a biblical world view.
It is our mission to lead children to Christ as early as possible. With programs like the Youth New Members class we are able to assist the youth as they grow in their walk with Christ. By providing opportunities to serve publicly and through positive reinforcement like Youth to Youth Challenges and the Commitment to Purity Ring Ceremony we endeavor to instill in our children a solid foundation that will allow them to maintain a biblical worldview as they transition from childhood to Young Adulthood.Women Ministry WIN:
God centric ministry where women are encouraged and empowered to live out their life for Christ. Women ministries host an annual women’s weekend conference, small groups throughout the year, and monthly women enrichment sessions. In addition, we sponsor a young adult program for young girls from 6th to the 12th grade.
Community development corporations (CDCs) are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that are created to support and revitalize communities, especially those that are impoverished or struggling.
Community development involves the principles of sustainable development, empowerment, inclusivity, social justice, human rights, participatory democracy, and equality. These community-led programs led by specific communities aim to address the challenges and gaps oppressing the community members.
Why does New Piney Grove need one?
Our community is plighted with seniors, single mothers, youth, and low wealth. Our church members have skills, gifts, and abilities to mold and shape outcomes to our community. “When we come together for the kingdom of God there is nothing we can't do!”
Without absorbing the resources of the church, the 501c3 status allows us to apply for grant funding to support our community efforts.
We are able to collaborate with community partners to make our area better- nothing is done on an island. Effective leadership in the community is fostered by collaboration. We think in terms of expanding the kingdom using every available resource possible.
What projects are we hoping to generate?
Excellence in education- active and retired teachers to tutor and offer an after-school programs, summer resource center, developmental math and reading enhancements
Cirrus Academy
Bibb County School District
Big Brothers and Sisters
College Campus Adoption
Mercer University
Wesleyan University
Middle Georgia State
Money Management resources
Housing- affordable and sustainable
Summer Food Service Program
Free meals to children during the summer months
Unhoused- support
General Skills Center
Simple mechanics
Basic tools-
Employment- Workforce Development
Living Our Vows Everyday
The NPG L.O.V.E. Ministry was established to enrich, enhance, and encourage married couples to reflect on the relationship between Jesus Christ and His church. In addition, by sharing and fellowship, married couples grow and strengthen each other. The ministry also involves couples who are engaged or considering marriage who gain wisdom from the experience of married couples.
19 Do you know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies, 1 Corinthians 6: 19 -20
Purpose: Our purpose is to equip and empower our members to take control and manage the quality of their health. For us, good health is holistic wellness of the entire being. We know that through education and understanding disease prevention can be achieved.
Mission: We intend to show people the importance of consistently taking care of their temple by providing tools and action steps. Through health fairs, informationals, fun activities, and a host of classes, understanding can be achieved if we are receptive to the content.